The finest support is reserved for the exceptional
travel nurses.
How we can help
Day One Health Coverage
Travel Reimbursement
Onboarding Cost Coverage
Bi-Weekly Pay
First Time Traveler Incentive
Contract Transparency
Do you have questions? Ask away!
How does Nurse4u prevent confusion about what's expected from nurses before they begin a contract?
What are the qualifications for the First Time Traveler Incentive?
Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners
To become licensed as an RN in Saskatchewan, please see CRNS (College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan).
Registered Psychiatric Nurses
To become licensed as a RPN in Saskatchewan, please see RPNAS (Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan)
Licensed Practical Nurses
To become licensed as an LPN in Saskatchewan, please see SALPN (Saskatchewan Association of Licensed Practical Nurses)
Allied Professionals
Abbreviations: MLT (Medical Laboratory Technologist), MLA (Medical Laboratory Assistant AKA Technician), UST (Sonographer / Ultrasound Radiographer), CLXT (Combined Lab & X-Ray Technologist)
Who will track the $700 loyalty bonus?
Payroll will track your hours and pay $700 for 700 hours worked in a calendar year.
What hours count towards the $700 for 700 hour loyalty program?
All WORKING hours count towards the 700-hour loyalty program.
PRN hours DO count towards 700.
Orientation and On-Call DO NOT count towards 700.
How can I refer a friend to Nurse4u Inc.?
How much is the Referral Bonus, and can I refer multiple healthcare professionals?
You are welcome to refer all of your qualified friends and family! Earn $500 PER RN referral and $250 for non-RN referrals. ** To be paid upon successfully completing 468 hours worked.***